“He who is not everyday conquering some fear

has not learned the secret of life.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, lecturer, poet

The Coaching Culture

The Coaching Culture I subscribe to is one of acceptance, authenticity, and curiosity. I accept you as you are right now, knowing you are perfect, whole and complete. There is nothing about you that needs fixing.  Now, if you are reading this, there may be some things you’d like to change or have be different in your life, and those are the things we can have a conversation about. We could refer to that as an upgrade conversation, just as we upgrade our software on our computer, some of our software could be ready for an upgrade as well.

I define myself as a Questionologist and Business/Personal Resource Coach. My commitment is to the value of a question filled, generous listening Culture. A Culture of safety, where you can express any or all you’ve ever wanted to express with complete confidentiality.

My job is to be fully present and listen deeply and generously, to tell the truth about what I hear and to ask for your best. I see the coaching relationship as a powerful conversation, a conversation about your agenda for your life. As you are talking and I am listening, I’ll be asking you powerful questions, those questions that take you to a new place in your thinking. If you don’t get to a new place in your thinking, it is likely nothing will ever change. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. As your partner in the coaching process, I might also serve in the role of consultant, friend or cheerleader. The bottom line is, we collaborate as you create what you envision for your life and your business. Together we build bridges to the future.

It’s also important to mention what I’m not. Again, I’m not going to fix you, you are not broken; you are completely whole. I’m not going to give you advice or solutions for what you might think are your problems. I’ll also not make wrong.

There is a storehouse of awareness within you that can only be accessed through my asking you powerful questions that support you in getting in touch with the answers you are seeking. Click here to schedule a complimentary coaching session.


There aren’t adequate words to describe what the coaching experience is like. The very best way for you to get a sense about what you might be able to expect if I were your coach, is for us to have a coaching conversation. Our conversations are confidential, you feel safe to express completely what you are thinking and feeling as well as what your vision is for what you imagine creating. You are heard fully, perhaps like you’ve never been heard ever. Out of that setting powerful questions emerge that allow you to access the storehouse of awareness within you, where all your answers are waiting for you.

Coaching sessions with my clients are all conducted by telephone/Zoom or Skype. It makes no difference where in the world you are. I’d love to do a sample coaching session with you. Please contact me by email and we’ll schedule a time to be together. I’m looking forward to meeting you!


As a result of many years and extensive work with the ICF credentialing team, I enjoy working with individuals preparing for their credentialing process. I’ve worked with many coaches who are ready for their 10 hours of Mentor Coaching needed to apply for a credential. If you are considering applying for your ACC, PCC or MCC credential through the International Coach Federation and would like to talk about the process of doing that, I’d love to have a conversation with you.


February 1996, one of the first extensive articles about coaching and Thomas Leonard appeared in Newsweek Magazine. Thomas Leonard founded CoachU, the Coach Training School where I began my coaching career in 1994. As a result of that article, a reporter for NBC was assigned to do a piece on coaching for the NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw. The reporter was based in Denver, and when the call came from him about being interviewed, I happened to be in the right place at the right time! I was at my desk and answered the phone. I was part of the segment that aired on the newscast the following Friday evening. The entire segment was 1 minute, 18 seconds!

The field of coaching has grown tremendously since that time and is now a global profession. The words coach and coaching have become very popular. If you speak to 10 different coaches you may get 10 different definitions about what a coach does or what coaching is. To know more about what you would experience if I were your coach, let’s have a conversation. Schedule a complementary sample session.

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