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Unasked Questions Are Lost Opportunities

In the movie Family Man, Jack Campbell is shown a glimpse of an alternate universe in order to learn a lesson.

Have you considered; an unasked question can take us into an alternative universe? Either because of our assumptions/stories or our fear of asking a question, we end up being somewhere or thinking something we didn’t intend.

Recently Barbara was sharing with me an experience she had telling Monica about a situation that had been going on in Barbara’s life for a number of years. After about 15 minutes of sharing, Monica said she knew the solution to the situation for Barbara. Monica had not asked any questions, only listened to the sharing for 15 minutes and came to a conclusion about the actions Barbara should take.

Prescription Without Diagnosis is Malpractice

It’s always Malpractice if we don’t ask a question. Asking a question demonstrates our willingness to let go of what we think is the only way to look at a situation. Asking questions gives us a new way of seeing the world; it gives us new awareness.

In order to be a question asker we must believe there is value in asking questions. We must be willing to take the time, be present and not be invested in presenting a solution or fix the problem in one easy microwaveable session.

Start by asking a simple question, “Really, can you tell me more?” Be interested in hearing the response. Continue with another question based on what you just heard. Ask, “What have you thought of that might be helpful in this situation?”

Notice what happens as you incorporate questions into your conversations. You may sense a change of energy. Often when questions are asked it creates a more relaxed feeling and greater results come from the interaction.

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